Justice Vibhu Bakhru said the order by CCI will not take effect for three weeks by when BMW has to challenge the report of the anti-trust regulator before the Madras High Court which had already issued a "blanket order" on September, 2013 staying the investigation in the matter.
"As far as September, 2013 order is concerned, it's a blanket order. The dispute is not here, so we give them (BMW) three weeks interim protection. They are directed to go to Madras High Court.
On August 25, 2014, CCI had fined BMW and 13 other companies Rs 2,554 crore for violating trade norms in the spare parts and after-services market and the same was to be deposited within 60 days.
For each entity, the individual fine amounted to two per cent of their average turnover.
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Apart from seeking a stay on the fine, BMW has also challenged CCI's legal proceedings on alleged anti-competitive practice of selling spare parts at higher prices.
It said Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has already got a stay order from the Delhi High Court, so it too should be treated on par with them.
It questioned whether the anti-trust regulator had the powers to expand the scope of investigations on its own even if the complainant had not named a company in the original complaint.