Sunil Khamitkar was arrested in March this year by the police in Solapur for allegedly facilitating his son's elopement with a 16-year-old girl and then demanding ransom of Rs 25 lakh from the girl's father.
Justice S C Dharmadhikari, while granting Khamitkar bail on a surety of Rs 15,000 observed that the prosecution has relied on hearsay statements of some witnesses claiming that the accused had demanded money from the complainant (girl's father) for the release of the girl.
Khamitkar was arrested on March 13 this year for offences punishable under sections 363 (kidnapping). According to the prosecution, Khamitkar's son had eloped with the complainant's daughter, studying in standard 11th.
"The applicant has been involved only because it is alleged that the applicant has facilitated their running away and has now been demanding money from the complainant to return his daughter," Justice Dharmadhikari observed.