Justice Gautam Patel, who is hearing the suit filed by Jaidev Thackeray challenging the will of Bal Thackeray, today told Jaidev and Uddhav's lawyers Seema Sarnaik and Rajesh Shah that an unidentified person has been coming to his chamber seeking copies of the evidence recorded in the case.
"Four times this person has come to my chamber. My staff is also rattled. He comes asking for the notes of evidence and says he is from Sarnaik's office. I do not know who he is collecting it for and for what purpose. Is it to gain political mileage or something else. But we need to put an end to this," Justice Patel said.
The court has so far recorded the evidence of Dr Jaleel Parkar, who is attached to the Lilavati Hospital at Bandra and conducted check up of Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray on a daily basis since November-December 2007.
The court will next record the evidence of Shiv Sena leader Anil Parab on June 30.
Jaidev has disputed the will alleging that senior Thackeray was of unsound mind and that Uddhav influenced him.
Bal Thackeray, who passed away on November 17, 2012, left majority of his estate to Uddhav.