A bench of Justice Siddharth Mridul said since there was a stay order by a trial court on airing or screening of the alleged offensive documentary film, the plea was premature at this stage and is dismissed.
"I am entirely in agreement with the Economic Offence Wing (EOW) that the petition is premature at this stage as the relief pressed by the petitioner can be raised at the appropriate time before a concerned Metropolitan Magistrate. The plea stands dismissed," the judge said.
It said the second prayer that the documentary film should be seized apprehending that it could be used against him in judicial proceedings, was also misconceived as airing of the film is already stayed by a trial court.
Advocate M L Sharma, appearing for death row convict Mukesh, said the documentary should be seized as it is apprehended that it could be used against him in legal and judicial proceedings.
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The bench however refused to pass any such order and said that the issues could be raised before the trial court.
At the start of hearing, Sharma requested for transfer of the case before a bench of Chief Justice G Rohini which was refused by the court saying it was not a connected matter.
On the night of December 16, 2012, Ram Singh, Vinay Sharma, Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta, Mukesh and a juvenile had gangraped a girl in a bus and brutally assaulted her male friend. The girl succumbed to her injuries on December 29, 2012 at a Singapore hospital.