Passing interim orders on a petition by Dalit girl R Sudha, who married a man from Vanniyar community at Kaadaiyampatti village in Dharmapuri district, Justice K K Sasidharan directed the district SP to ensure that she lived peacefully without any threat or attack from the villagers and the protection should be a meaningful one.
"The contents of the petition projects a sorry state of affairs in Tamil Nadu and particularly in the Dharmapuri district," the Judge observed.
He also ordered issuance of notice to villagers, who conducted kangaroo court, returnable by August 19.
Sudha got married in April 2010 and had been living with her child and in-laws at Kaadaiyampatti village.
Following the recent mysterious death of Ilavarasan,a Dalit youth who was found dead along the railway track in Dharmapuri on July 4, after his wife Divya, a Vanniyar girl, chose to live with her mother in the backdrop of suicide of her father and anti-Dalit violence triggered by their marriage, members of the Vanniyar community boycotted Sudha and her family.