Justice Sunil Hali, as per an order of January 21, 2013, quashed the criminal proceedings against Anil Jain, pending in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Gautam Budh Nagar.
The proceedings had been initiated against Jain, who is the Director of Nitishree builders, subsequent to an FIR lodged against him at Sector 20 Police Station of Noida in the year 2010 wherein a number of investors had accused him of not completing housing projects in time.
A compromise was later reached between the two sides, following which Jain moved the High Court earlier this month with an application for quashing the criminal proceedings pending in the lower court by using its inherent powers under Section 482 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
A joint affidavit was also submitted by both the parties stating that the matter has been settled between them, after which the court held "since both the parties have amicably compromised the matter, no useful purpose would be served by continuing the criminal proceedings".