Division bench headed by Justice S C Dharmadhikari, after perusing the probe reports submitted by CBI which is handling Dabholkar case and Maharashtra police's SIT which is investigating Pansare case, said the investigation in both cases was not satisfactory.
"We gave you (CBI) sufficient time to probe but not sufficient progress has been made. We are not satisfied with your statement that you are doing your best.
"We feel you are not serious about investigation. This case is very prestigious and the (slow) progress of probe reflects adversely on the image of the state," court said.
The agency also wanted to know whether same weapons were used in these three murders. But the forensic opinion was still awaited, so the court may give six weeks' time, he said.
But the High Court gave time to CBI only till December 16 and said a Joint Director of the Central agency should submit a progress report by then.