While issuing the direction to the Chief Secretary of Delhi government, a bench of justices Badar Durrez Ahmed and I S Mehta also observed that human beings were the "biggest enemy" of the environment and monuments.
"What would be the heritage and environment we would leave our coming generations?" the bench asked while pulling up Delhi Jal Board (DJB) and other civic agencies for not coming out with any remedial measures for tackling the problem which has been admittedly caused due to lack of a sewerage system in the area.
The court on December 3 had directed that a meeting be held among officials concerned of Department of Horticulture and Delhi Jal Board as well as a nominee of Member Secretary of Delhi Pollution Control Committee "to prepare a road map of the remedial measures".
"On going through the minutes of meeting we are not all happy with the manner in which the matter has been dealt with. Issue concerns pollution in a water body near a heritage site. Unfortunately, no remedial measures have been proposed in a clear-cut manner.