The Bombay High Court Thursday came down heavily on the Maharashtra Police machinery for divulging information to the media about sensitive cases, saying such "over-enthusiasm could be fatal".
A division bench of Justices S C Dharmadhikari and B P Colabawalla was hearing petitions filed by family members of slain rationalists Narendra Dabholkar and Govind Pansare, seeking court supervision in probes being conducted by the CBI (in Dabholkar case) and the state CID (in Pansare case).
The bench, after perusing reports submitted by both the agencies on the investigation, said everyday there is vital information leaked to the media by probe agencies.
Referring to the press conference of senior IPS officer Parambir Singh along with Pune Police officials last Friday on their case against some activists arrested for alleged Maoist links, Justice Dharmadhikari said, "There is so much hue and cry about this media briefing and disclosures made."