Observing that the case projects the plight of innocent purchasers who bought small housing plots in a layout there, Justice T S Sivagnanam said that the Secretary to government, Housing and Urban Development Department, should take note of why the Registrar Co-operative Societies (Housing) had not issued any direction in spite of repeated communications by Special Government Pleader, inlcuding one on April 17 2015.
The judge noted that though the petitioners had paid the entire amount and sale deeds were executed in their favour in 1982, they had not got their plots till date nor rectification in sale deeds, giving the correct boundaries.
The three had purchased plots from the society, which had purchased 4.23 acres in Sowripalayam village.When the society tried to buy 12.59 acres near it, the land ceiling authority took steps to acquire it under the Urban Land Ceiling Act.
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It was in this connection that the petitioners moved HC for a direction to the society and Deputy Registrar to execute a proper sale deed in their favour as per the revised plan.
Earlier when the petitions came up, the HC had directed them to approach the Co-operative Sub Registrar,/official Liquidator of the society and to the Sub Registrar to pass suitable orders as per law as expeditiously as possible.But when nothing came of it, the petitioners again moved court.
The judge also said the Government pleader had not been apprised of the situation.
He then directed the HC Registry to forward a copy of his order to Secretary to Government,Housing and Urban Development Department, Chennai, for appropriate action against them.
The judge then directed the two officials to issue the rectified sale deeds within four weeks.