Justice S Vaidyanathan dismissed the bail application of Mariya Louis, against whom a sexual harassment complaint was lodged by a minor girl in Kangyeam.
"For the wrong acts done by male students, Mariya Louis, aged 50, projected himself as a nightmare, and received apology letters from students and parents. From facts narrated so far, it is clear that he acted as Dushasana towards female students, and acted as Duryodhana towards male students," the Judge said.
Louis, arrested on July 16, alleged in his bail petition that the case against him was false. Local police and politicians became vengeful because school students had held protest demanding funds for the school development, he said.
He also submitted that since he was very strict, the girl might have lodged a complaint.
Rejecting the contentions, the Judge in his order said: "A perusal of records clearly shows that because of misbehavior of the headmaster, the girl has attempted to commit suicide, which was prevented by her brother.