A vacation bench, comprising Justice K Kalyanasundaram and Justice S Vaidyanathan, rejected the petition by a senior woman advocate P Balambal holding that she had approached the court without waiting for action by authorities on her representation in this regard.
"It is a very unfortunate case wherein the petitioner has knocked the doors of this court even before the representation dated December 26 last sent by her has reached the authorities concerned," the bench said.
The petitioner had sought a direction to the police to take action and register FIR like in the case of 'beep song' episode against all those who project women in bad taste and insult them.
The Coimbatore Police had recently registered the case against Simbu and music composer Anirudh Ravichandran following a complaint from the local unit of All India Democratic Women's Association that the song allegedly contained vulgar lyrics denigrating women.
In her petition, the 60-year old lawyer submitted that the police have registered the case without knowing the true meaning of the words mixed with beep sound in the song. They also did not know the person who was instrumental in uploading it in Youtube or the source/country of uploading, she claimed.