Issuing notice to Surat police, Justice Pradeep Nandrajog also asked them to explain why they wanted the girl to appear before them in Surat for recording of her statement in connection with the rape case lodged recently against Sai.
The court asked Gujarat police to respond by January 8, 2014 to the 28 year-old woman's plea seeking anticipatory/ transit bail for a week and said, "In the meantime, the respondents (Delhi police and Gujarat police) will not take any coercive step against the girl."
The girl's counsel Maninder Singh, assisted by Dinhar Takiar, submitted before the court that even the FIR was silent about his client's role in the case.
"According to the FIR, the incident took place in 2001 and my client was in school at that time and she was no way associated with the spiritual guru's ashram," the lawyer said.
Appearing for Delhi Police, advocate O P Saxena said "Surat police in co-ordination with city police have recently raided the girl's residence here but she was not present".