"The order is reserved for November 29," Justice Sunita Gupta said, while rejecting the vociferous plea of senior advocates K T S Tulsi and Geeta Luthra that till then Tejpal should not be arrested in the case which has been foisted to drive the "political mileage" against him who had once caught the then BJP president in a sting operation.
The judge declined the oral plea for an order that he should not be arrested for the next two days, saying she will pass an order only on Friday.
"...The man acts like a predator and treats the incident as a drunken banter. He is treating a woman like an object because he is in a position of dominance. There is no question of consent. It has happened to a hapless woman. It is not a case for any indulgence by the court."
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"First of all, this court has no jurisdiction as the offence took place in Goa. The complainant and the petitioner (Tejpal) were in Goa. The FIR was lodged in Goa. The girl recorded her statement to police in Mumbai and today, her statement under section 164 of the CrPC is being recorded before a magistrate in Goa," he said.
"The Chief Justice has assured that the justice will be done to that girl, he said, adding that such offences are very serious in nature.
Tulsi, in his arguments, referred to the contents of the FIR alleging the girl has used words like "attempted" and "tried" in relation to the alleged offences and hence, they did not make out a case of rape as alleged by Goa Police.