However, there was no immediate relief for publishers as the bench of justices Pradeep Nandrajog and Yogesh Khanna, restored for trial the suit on the issues of whether photocopying of the entire books would be a permissible activity and if the inclusion of copyrighted work in the course pack for the students was justified .
"The appeal is disposed of declaring the law as above (in the verdict) and setting aside the impugned judgment and decree holding that no triable issue on fact arises," the bench said.
The bench noted in its judgement that the single judge had also dismissed the application seeking interim injunction against the shop, Rameshwari Photocopy Services, on the reasoning that no triable issue arises.
"Having restored the suit and identifying the triable issue warranting evidence, we are not inclined to grant interim injunction to the appellants but would direct respondent No.1 (Rameshwari Photocopy Services) to maintain a record of course packs photocopied by it and supplied to the students. Every six months the statement of number of course packs photocopied and supplied shall be filed in the suit," the bench said.
Also Read
The publishers have approached the division bench against the September 16 order claiming Rameshwari Photocopy Service in DU was infringing upon their copyright over the text books.
The single judge order, which brought cheers to many students by rejecting the publishers' 2012 plea against the sale of photocopies of their textbooks, had said copyright in literary works does not confer "absolute ownership" to the authors.
It had also lifted a ban on the shop from selling photocopies of chapters from textbooks of foreign publishers to students.