Justice Vibhu Bakhru issued notices to the Union Home Ministry, the Lt Governor and Delhi Development Authority (DDA), seeking their replies on the petition of the migrants who have also sought grant of status of internally displaced persons (IDP).
In their petition, the migrants have contended that ever since they fled from Kashmir in 1990 owing to militancy, there has been no permanent policy for their rehabilitation, including providing them housing, education and healthcare facilities and means to livelihood.
In their petition, Kashmiri migrants Pamposh Raina and Sanjay Kaul have contended that while some of them are permitted to carry out business temporarily on pavements in various colonies of Delhi, they are shifted from one place to another whenever any development work is carried out in those areas.
It has alleged the government has "failed" to frame a policy for permanent settlement of Kashmiri migrants.
They have also sought compensation for the belongings and property left behind or dispossessed of at the time of their displacement.