"We would require the Corporation to place before us as to out of these Rs 31.66 crore how much is allocated to Anna Library, which is a task to be performed by the local library authority," the first bench, comprising Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice T S Sivagnanam said.
The judges noted that the report of the Court appointed two-member Commission on the Anna Centenary Library showed that some aspects pertaining to the library had been addressed, but much remained to be done on other issues.
It observed that security is a matter of urgent concern as there has been theft of a large number of books, which now has to be replaced. The issue of updating books and e-library have also not been addressed, which go to the core of the functioning of library, they said.
The judges noted that while adequate security measures were lacking, Rs 2.55 crore was being withdrawn annually for security maintenance charges.If this money was being actually spent there can be no lack of services, the court observed and sought to know on what this amount is being paid or withdrawn.
They also observed that a memo by petitioner S T Manonmani has raised certain concerns, which the state government should look into.