The Bombay High Court on Tuesdaydirected the Maharashtra government to file a reply clarifying its stand on bearing the travel expenses and cost of medical screening of migrant workers who wished to return to their hometowns amid the coronavirus-enforced lockdown.Justice SC Gupte directed the state to file the reply by May 8.The court was hearing three Public Interest Litigations filed by several non-government organisations seeking free travel for home state-bound migrant workers, and also some food security, sanitation facilities, among others, to vulnerable sections in light of the COVID 19 pandemic.The pleas, filed through lawyers Gayatri Singh, Kranti LC and Ronita Bector, sought that the state must provide necessary relief measures for migrant workers, slum-dwellers, and homeless persons in Maharashtra.On Tuesday, the petitioners argued that in light of the offer made by the Congress of bearing transport costs for migrants wishing to return home, and the Centre's assurance of bearing 85 per cent of such cost, and directing the state to bear the remaining, the Maharashtra government must pay for train, bus, or local transport fares for its migrant workers.We also sought that the state must pay for the medical check-up and screening for COVID 19 for all such migrant workers that need to be cleared for travel to their hometowns," said advocate Ronita Bector, one of the counsels for the petitioners.The states counsel, advocate Bhupesh Samant, sought time to bring the states stand on the issue on record, at which, Justice Gupte directed that the reply be filed by May 8.The petitioners also pointed out that the state government was not providing adequate food supplies, medical equipment, sanitation facilities in the slum areas in the city despite its own guidelines recommending that all slum-dwellers be provided with the same.At this, the judge said that the state must scrupulously implement its own guidelines on providing relief measures to migrants, slum-dwellers and the homeless.The petitions seeking monetary aid and relief for migrant workers have been filed by NGOs Sarva Hara Jan Andolan and Angmehnati Kashtakari Sangharsh Samiti.The pleas on food and sanitation facilities have been filed by NGOs Movement for Peace and Justice Welfare and Shramik Mukti Sangathan.