Justice S Nagamuthu ordered Tamil Nadu Director General Of Police to file counter to the petition filed by one R Rajendran who alleged the drug case was filed against him on instructions from ADGP (Civil Supplies) K Radhakrishnan.
He submitted that he had given a loan of Rs 10 lakh to two brothers -- PSR Solaisamy and PSR Ramdass -- for purchase of a theatre. But they did not return the money and instead threatened him saying the PSR group belonged to the ADGP.
The SP, instead of bringing out the facts regarding the FIR against the petitioner, had tried to shelter the ADGP who had instigated them to file the false case, he submitted.
The petitioner alleged that he was threatened at pistol point by Solaisamy and his brother to return a cheque given for the loan amount.
On the ADGP's instruction, CID foisted cases under Nacotics and Psychotrophic Substance Act as if he possesed two kg of Ganja and deer skin and arrested him.