Justice K Ravichandrabaabu passed the interim order on a plea by Bharathi Cabs Private Limited, assailing the tender notification issued by the Divisional Railway Manager (Commercial), Southern Railways, Chennai, in favour of Ola, a mobile app-based cab aggregator.
The petitioner submitted that the Southern Railway invited tenders for parking and operation of a call taxi stand at Chennai Central through a July 2, 2017 notification.
The tender period was for a year and the reserve price was fixed as Rs 2.17 crore. The area of parking is 153.6 square metres.
Since the upset price fixed was very high, Bharathi Cabs did not participate in the tender. Therefore, only three companies -- Uber, Ola and Fast Track -- had participated.
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Though the reserve price was fixed as Rs 2.17 crore, none of the bids was for even Rs 1 crore. Instead, Uber had quoted Rs 80 lakh, Ola Rs 60.07 lakh and Fast Track Rs 60 lakh, Ravindran added.
The counsel said Bharathi Cabs would also have taken part in the tender process if they had knowledge or even the slightest reason to believe that the tender would be allotted to such a low bid.
"The petitioner is ready and willing to take the tender for Rs 1 crore even now," he said.