In pursuance of the late evening intervention by a bench of Justice Manmohan on May 7, the Directorate of Health Services of Delhi government issued an office order asking the hospital not to discharge patient Kavita Joshi and "continue the requisite treatment."
The court, which had earlier sought responses from the Centre, the Directorate of Health Services and the hospital, located at Patparganj in east Delhi, today disposed of the plea after it was told that an order has been issued by Delhi government in this regard.
The plea, filed through lawyer R K Saini, said the family of the patient is willing to bear the treatment cost.
The staff, after a few days, started insisting her parents get her discharged from the hospital and they said she be taken to some other place as there was a risk of infection, it said.
The patient is in critical condition and moving her to another hospital can prove fatal, it had said.