The first bench, comprising Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice Pushpa Sathyanarayana, stated this when a PIL came up before them, challenging the seal put up by officials on the temple in a village in Thiruporur taluk in the district.
The bench noted that there are two Gangaiamman temples in the village. Peace was disturbed due to the fight between two groups. The temple was temporarily sealed, allowing worship in the other temple. It appears that the sealed temple was built on poromboke' land, the court said.
The matter pertains to sealing of the Gangaiamman Temple by one E Saman on behalf of some of the other villagers.
Saman said revenue authorities sealed one temple located on a poromboke piece of land. The move followed complaints from some villagers who worshipped at the other Gangaiyamman temple.
Noting that representations to the Kancheepuram District Collector had not evoked any response and that villagers were unable to offer worship at the sealed temple, Saman sought a direction from the court to unseal it.
The bench observed such petitions cannot be treated as PILs and dismissed it.