Dismissing the appeal filed by accused Vijay Bhaskar, a division bench comprising justices S Nagamuthu and V Bharathidasan said the trial court order of 2015 was right in convicting the accused and sentencing him to life imprisonment as the prosecution has proved the case beyond all reasonable doubts.
According to prosecution, Bhaskar wanted to marry 21-year old Vidya and her family had sought three months time to conduct it. Meanwhile, suspecting that she was in relationship with another person, he had attacked her with the acid at a computer centre where she worked on January 30, 2013.
The high court observed that the accused had poured acid on the woman and since it did not fall on her face, he rubbed her face against the acid spilt on the floor and also manhandled her.
Hence, the punishment imposed was reasonable and proportionate, the judges ruled upholding the Kancheepuram District Principal Sessions Court order sentencing him to life imprisonment.
The judicial dying declaration was in conformity with the statement recorded by the police, it observed and said, "The prosecution has clearly established that it was the accused who threw acid on the deceased which ultimately resulted in her death.