The court expressed its unhappiness while granting bail to Prabhu Kumar, who was arrested under POCSO Act and remanded in judicial custody on June 24, for singing a film song on seeing a 16-year-old girl who was accompanied by her mother.
Granting him bail yesterday, Justice S Vaidyanathan directed him to execute a bond for Rs 10,000 with two sureties each for a like sum. It also directed him to appear before the police daily until further orders.
The counsel for the petitioner submitted that the petitioner and the victim had a love affair. She further submitted that the petitioner had not committed any such offence and a false case had been foisted on him.
Justice S Vaidyanathan said considering the facts and circumstances of the case it cannot be said that the petitioner sang the song with sexual intentions.
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"... Also, considering the period of incarceration of the petitioner, this court is of the view that no custodial interrogation is required at this stage and therefore, the petitioner is ordered to be released on bail."
"Media is a powerful teacher, whose teachings are never forgotten by people. Therefore, the filmmakers should realise their responsibility to imbibe good thoughts in the minds of the youth, who are the pillars of the future society and should act upon to bring up a good society," the judge said.