HCC's scrip went down by 5 per cent to close the day at Rs 20.90 on BSE. Intra-day, it had plunged 6.81 per cent to Rs 20.50.
On NSE, the stock tanked 5 per cent to close at Rs 20.90.
In terms of volume, 13.98 lakh shares of the company changed hands at BSE and over 75 lakh shares were traded at NSE during the day.
HCC yesterday reported 7.3 per cent decline in standalone net profit at Rs 19.1 crore for the March quarter.
Its total income from operations increased to Rs 1,196 crore in January-March of 2015-16 as against Rs 1,175 crore a year earlier.
For the year, HCC has registered a net profit of Rs 84.9 crore in 2015-16, compared with Rs 81.7 crore last year.