In a 12-year old case of front-running at HDFC AMC, markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday settled probe with two entities after they paid around Rs 10 crore towards settlement charges.
It was alleged that the two entities -- Rashi Investments and Vivek Mehrotra -- along with other entities acted as a group to front-run HDFC Asset Management Company (AMC) and defrauded investors.
In two separate settlement orders, the regulator said that adjudication proceedings initiated against the two entities are settled and disposed of.
Sebi had issued show cause notices in March 2014 to the two entities for alleged violations of regulatory norms in the front-running of HDFC AMC.
The matter relates to trades conducted in 2007 and Sebi had begun its probe after receiving two separate references from the BSE and NSE on suspected instances of front-running of the orders of HDFC MF.
Front-running refers to an unethical practice of someone trading in shares on the basis of advance information given by a broker, analyst or other executive at a market intermediary before the trades are conducted by that entity.
Pursuant to the investigation into the front-running of HDFC AMC Trades-II, Sebi observed that the two entities -- Rashi Investments and Vivek Mehrotra -- along with other entities "acted as a group to front run HDFC AMC and defrauded HDFC AMC investors."