Dinesh Keshavrao Mhale (47) who is a resident of Dhanvantri Nagar was caught red handed by ACB sleuths while accepting a bribe of Rs 2,500 from an accused against whom the Judicial Magistrate First Class had issued a non-bailable warrant.
According to the Deputy Superintendent of Police R N Dhule, the JMFC court had issued a non-bailable warrant against an accused under Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code and head constable Dinesh was entrusted with the work of executing the warrant and arresting the accused.
Though the accused agreed to pay, he alerted the ACB which laid a trap in the Hamalpura area and caught Dinesh red handed while accepting the bribe today evening.
He was arrested under Section 7, 13(1)(D) and 13(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.