States and local bodies under the proposed bill can take multiple measures, ranging from quarantining people to decontamination of areas, destruction of animals or birds and surprise inspections during any public health emergency.
The ministry has put the draft Public Health (Prevention, Control and Management of epidemics, bio-terrorism and disasters) bill, 2017 in the public domain seeking comments from various stakeholders.
The ministry has proposed that any intentional violation of any provisions under the Act will be a cognisable offence punishable with a fine upto Rs 50,000 for first such violation and upto Rs 1 lakh for repeat contravention and can also lead to imprisonment upto two years.
The proposed bill lists 33 epidemic-prone diseases which include Anthrax, bird flu, dengue, HIV/AIDS, yellow fever, rabies, plague, measles, kala-azar, among others.
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The draft also lists potential bioterrorism agents including bacteria of typhoid fever, cholera, plague among others, and viruses including ebola, dengue, Japanese Encephalitis and others.
"Any other potential bio-terrorism agent having public health consequences may be added, as may be notified," the proposed bill states.
The proposed bill said that the state governments and
local authorities can also undertake disinfection, decontamination, destruction or disposal of any baggage, cargo, containers, postal parcels, human remains, animals, birds or biological substances to remove infection or contamination including vectors and reservoirs of infection.
Under the proposed bill, the state government and local authorities can ban or regulate the purchase, transport, distribution and sale of any drug or material which contains hazardous or toxic substances.
The state government or local authorities can provide for the inspection and detention of any shipment, cargo or any vehicle including ships, aircraft and trains which is either leaving, arriving or passing through any place including any seaport, airport, bus station or railway station.