The Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said that he will approach the Surface Transport and Urban Development Ministries for the development of cycle tracks alongside roads to make cycling a "huge momement" in the country.
"Physical activity is a must. Use of bicycle should be promoted in a big way, it has to be made a huge movement. We need to ensure that no single person should be deprived of it. If you put everybody to running, walking and cycling you can take care of 50 per cent of their health.
Vardhan said 45 per cent of the health problems are due to lack of physical activity and diseases like diabetes and hypertension can be handled to a large extent by doing exercises.
He also said that the parents should encourage their children to go to the parks and play as they encourage them for studies as both are equally important.
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"TERI's report could prove to be a blessing in disguise for the future of the health of the nation. 'Health for all' should become a reality now," he said.
The report talked about waiving taxes for low-income populations (cycles costing less than Rs 5,000) and providing microfinance to promote cycle ownership in India. It also said that government must come up with policy mechanism for the cycling industry to make it globally competitive
Additionally, for urban dwellers leading sedentary lives, the use of bicycles provide physical exercise which is good for physical and mental health.