The funds crunch had forced the Finance Ministry to reduce the budget estimates for the health sector for the current financial year by over 15 per cent during the year - down from from the budget estimates of Rs 34,488 crore to revised estimates of Rs 29,272.56 crore.
Presenting the budget for 2013-14 in Parliament today, Finance Minister P Chidambaram said "Health for All" is a priority of the government.
Of the total allocation for the health sector for 2013-14, the Department of Health and Family Welfare got the majority share of Rs 33,278 crore, the Department of AIDS Control Rs 1,785 crore, the Department of AYUSH a total of Rs 1,259 crore and the department of Health Research Rs 1,008 crore.
Six medical colleges in AIIMS-like institutes that started in September 2012 will have hospitals attached to them in 2013-14 for which a provision of Rs 1,650 crore has been made.
However, there has been no allocation for the Reproductive and Child Health Project, Pulse Polio Immunisation and routine immunisation, National TB Control programme and National Disease Control Programme.