The happily married director and 68-year-old actress got together in their late 30s and waited 13 years to wed on New Year's Eve 1997, reported People magazine.
"Before I met Taylor, all my relationships took second place to my work. If I had to go to Africa, it was 'Bye-bye, I'm off to Africa.' And then he came into my life, and I started thinking, 'Maybe it's time to have a different attitude - and to say that my relationship is at least as important as my work.' To give it the time," she said.
"I used to say to Taylor, 'I wish we'd met earlier on. We've missed so much time together'. And he'd say, 'We'd never be together now if we met earlier,' " she said.
"And I think he's actually right because we were both on a trajectory of work and ambition and, of course, to a certain extent, wanting to resolve ourselves as ourselves," she added.