After falling 9.52 per cent to Rs 206.50 in intra-day trade, shares of the company finally ended at Rs 227.10, down 0.50 per cent on BSE.
At NSE, it slipped 0.28 per cent to close at Rs 226.85.
On the volume front, 13.36 lakh shares of the company changed hands at BSE and over one crore shares were traded at NSE during the day.
Mid-sized IT services firm Hexaware Technologies yesterday posted a marginal increase in consolidated net profit at Rs 84.2 crore for January-March 2016.
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Revenues during the reported quarter rose 15 per cent to Rs 820.2 crore, from Rs 713.4 crore in the previous year.
Hexaware follows January-December fiscal.
Hexaware CEO and Executive Director R Srikrishna said: "While we had a challenging quarter for revenue and profitability, bookings from new customers continued to be strongly driven by automation and digital transformation."
In dollar terms, the firm's net profit declined 6.3 per cent to USD 12.6 million in January-March while revenue grew 5.9 per cent to USD 121.7 million.