Rashmita Minz has been named the vice-captain for the upcoming tournament. Divya Thepe and Sonal Minj will be the goalkeepers and the defence line-up comprises Ritu, Gagandeep Kaur, Mahima Choudhary, Asmita Barla and Salima Tete.
The midfield include three Kaurs -- Manpreet, Navneet and Navpreet -- apart from Karishma Yadav and Udita.
Meanwhile, Alka Dungdung, Jyoti, Puja Yadav, Amrinder Kaur will form the forwardline.
Gearing up to face a tough challenge, India will be playing against some of the best European teams like Germany, England, Spain and Belgium.
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Goalkeepers: Divya Thepe, Sonal Minj.
Defenders: Salima Tete, Asmita Barla, Rashmita Minz (vice-captain), Ritu, Mahima Choudhary, Gagandeep Kaur.
Midfielders: Udita, Manpreet Kaur, Karishma Yadav, Navpreet Kaur, Sonika (captain), Navneet Kaur.
Forwards: Jyoti, Puja Yadav, Alka Dungdung, Sangita Kumari, Amrinder Kaur, Jyoti Gupta.