In a BSE filing, Gujarat NRE Coke said: "The High Court at Calcutta did not admit the petition filed by Siemens and has invited counter affidavit by the company."
It added: "Siemens has wrongfully filed a winding up petition against the company before the High Court at Calcutta on account of a dispute..."
The issue relates to a dispute arising out of a contract entered between Siemens and Gujarat NRE Coke in 2008 for design, engineering, manufacture and supplies.
"However, various material facts were suppressed by Siemens in the said winding up application, which was brought to the notice of the High Court at Calcutta by the company," Gujarat NRE Coke said in the filing.
Gujarat NRE Coke did not envisage any material impact on its operations or performance due to the proceedings, it said.