The Uttarakhand High Court Thursday scrapped the transfer of Manjunath T C, who was heading an SIT probing the multi-crore scholarship scam, as the new superintendent of police (SP) of Chamoli district.
The court also dismissed the new SIT formed by the government headed by IG Sanjay Gunjyal to probe the scam in the social welfare department.
Scrapping the transfer order of Manjunath, adivision bench of the high court comprising Chief Justice Ramesh Ranganathan and Justice RC Khulbe said he had been transferred to influence the ongoing investigation.
Manjunath who was SP (traffic) of Haridwar and headed the SIT investigating into the scholarship scam was transferred to Chamoli on Tuesday.
He assumed office as Chamoli SP Wednesday taking over from Tripti Bhatt, who has been made Commandant of State Disaster Response Force.
The government had constituted a new six-member SIT headed by IG Gunjyal to conclude probe into the scam within three months. The government had said the SIT was being reconstituted to widen its scope.
The court will again hear the case tomorrow.