"There was a discussion with container operators. After the discussion, it has been decided to hike it in two stages - one in December and then again in February next year," Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal said here.
According to the decision, haulage charges, which container train operators pay the railways for using the tracks, signalling systems and locomotives, will be increased in two stages.
The haulage charge was not increased for the last two years.
Talking about new revenue models, Bansal said "we are working out new models. We will see how we can do it with state governments."
On non-lapsable safety fund, Bansal said "no decision has yet been taken on it."
To a question about supplying locos to Pakistan, he said "RITES is talking to them (Pkaistan). We are working it out".
Asked to comment on Aamir Ajmal Kasab's execution and attack on Mumbai railway station, he said the attack was not on railways but against India. "He (Kasab) was executed as per the law and added security has been strenghthened in all sensitive stations across the country.