The FAC, which is being introduced on freight tariff from April one, would alone fetch an additional revenue of Rs 4,200 crore, Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal told reporters after presenting the 2013-14 rail budget in Parliament.
The supplementary charges, to be levied on super-fast trains, include hikes in supplementary charges for these trains, reservation fee, clerkage charges, cancellation charges and tatkal charges, would together increase the revenue earnings by Rs 483 crore, he said.
"The Cabinet will take it up as soon as these consultations are over," Bansal said.
Justifying the hike in these charges, he said the move was aimed deterring touts and travel agents from booking bulk tickets, thereby depriving genuine passengers. "This would result in improvement in the system.... There are no hidden charges. Nothing can be hidden."
However, the total outgo of the Railways, primarily due to increase in diesel prices and electricity tariff, would be more than Rs 5,100 crore, he said.