Released recently, "The Treasure of Kafur" is set in Mughal India, about 250 years before Akbar, when Allauddin Khilji, one of the first Delhi sultans sends his general down south to drain it of its treasures.
Thus, the prologue of the book is largely centred at the hiding of the treasure; how Khilji's general Malik Kafur goes down south, procures the treasure but is very scared to send it north because a lot of rulers are after it. So, Khilji orders Kafur to bury the treasure until the dust settles which is when the general dies and the secret of the treasure remains buried.
The adventure begins when Baig kidnaps Ambu and the old woman's grandson goes out to rescue her. At many instances, historical characters come in but the book is primarily a work of adventure fiction.
"It was my love for history combined with my diet for thriller and adventure so research was not a challenge. Being a history enthusiast and having done a substantial amount of writing on the Mughal period, the research and process of writing the book simplified," Raman told PTI in an interview.