"The driver Tejbahadur Giri (27), who had crashed the vehicle into a woman Rajmati Jain (45) on December 8 while she was crossing the road, and had escaped, was arrested after he confessed to the crime," said S D Vadake, Senior Inspector at Goregaon police station.
Giri had remained elusive after the horrific accident which was captured on CCTV. The news channels had extensively aired the footages.
The victim continues to battle for her life since the accident occurred on S V Road in suburban Goregaon.
The registration number of the car was not clear in the blurred footage. The Goregaon police registered a case of rash and negligent driving against the unidentified driver.
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"A rickshaw driver, who was behind the car, had managed to note down the registration number and gave it to the security guard of the mall. However, RTO did not have the number registered," Vadake said.
"When the owner had asked Giri about the damage on the bonnet, the driver lied to him saying the vehicle had brushed with a lorry," the officer added.