"The film is running houseful everywhere and is completing 150 shows in 14 days which is a record in itself," director Swapnil Shetkar told PTI.
The political satire which is the sequel to 2014 release "Home Sweet Home", hit theatres on December 25, 2015, and has so far garnered good response.
"'Home Sweet Home 2' has already started breaking records of 'Home Sweet Home' and with the support and love of audience it will definitely create new records," the 25-year-old filmmaker said.
"The film is definitely going to create awareness against corruption and dirty politics in the society," he said.
"Home Sweet Home 2" stars Rajdeep Naik, John D'Silva, Prince Jacob, Samiksha Desai and others.
Shetkar said they will send the film as entry for most of the film festivals but priority will be to cater to Goan crowd across the globe.