Bindra in a note on his website, the page of which has been e-mailed to the media, said, "The pubic deserves and demands it, and most of all, the gentleman's game cries for it. We must bring back the credibility and love for the game."
The PCA Chief said, "The shenanigans of the recent times run the risk of bringing ignominy to the game of cricket which was built brick by brick by many. After decades of being a part of the great game of cricket, and having served Indian cricket in various positions, I believe that this is the worst crisis faced by Indian Cricket."
He said, "Looking at the immediate issue at hand, the breaking news on television that the ICC had warned Gurunath Meiyappan of the company he was keeping. I have three important points to make."
Bindra said, "First, if the ICC did warn Meiyappan it is obvious and apparent that they must have informed the BCCI about it. Therefore, who were the officials in the BCCI who were informed by the ICC and how did they handle this key input? If they did nothing with the information from the ICC, the BCCI is guilty of gross misconduct and the ICC needs to confirm this claim."
"At night an official travelling with the team had taken a girl into the room of an Indian player who is also a prominent member of CSK team for last six seasons. It was observed on the footage that the girl spent the night prior to a game. It was so alleged that girl was sent by an individual on ICC's list of suspected bookies. This incidence was in gross violation of security as well as anti corruption regulations.