The NCP is a prominent ally of the UPA however in the Draft Economic and Political Resolution that was circulated at a convention here the Nationalist Youth Congress said that the hope floated by UPA-I is fast evaporating.
It said the UPA-I had come to power on the basis of initiatives like MNREGA, which brought back rural economics on track, programmes on rural health, maternity services, Right to Information, Right to Education Act and other progressive measures. It added that that farm loan waiver was a crowning measure.
The draft added that with neo-cons in control, all initiatives towards addressing poverty and social security had slowed down and welfare schemes which were hesitantly implemented had fallen short of targets.
"Those who were sitting at the helm are obsessed with GDP growth. They love to forget the fact that 94 per cent of Indian population is outside the formal economy," the NCP youth wing's draft said.