Bijay Kumar Sahu, the horticulture overseer in Mohana Block of Gajapati district was caught by vigilance officers while demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 15,000 from the complainant Santosh Mahakud, a vigilance release said.
Mohakud had alleged that he availed subsidy of Rs 35,000 for mango plantation in 2014-2015. In the current year, he was supposed to get Rs 28,000 as subsidy from the horticulture department for fencing of the mango garden.
Mahakud then reported the matter to the vigilance department.
A trap was laid and Sahu was caught red handed in his office-cum-residence at Mohana by vigilance officers of Berhampur division while demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 15,000 from the complainant.
The bribe money has been recovered from Sahu and seized in presence of witnesses, the release added.