In its recently passed order, Forum President Sneha Mahatre and members Madhuri Vishwarupe and ND Kadam have observed that the Silver Park Co-operative Housing Society had erred in disconnecting the water supply to the concerned family.
The society put them into hardships and humiliation from the other and hence it should pay a compensation of Rs. 5,000 towards mental agony of the family and Rs 2,000 towards the legal expenses, the order said.
It further said that by stating that the civic body had cut the water supply, a lie was being told by the society and hence the family had to live without out water for 16 days which amounts to deficiency in services.
He said that the supply was disconnected on April 14, 2010 and he approached the co-operative court which directed the restoration of water which was done on April 29, 2010.
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In this period, the family had to go without water and face humiliation from the other members of the society and hence he claimed compensation for sufferings of his family.
In their defence, the society stated that the complainant being an advocate had slapped several cases against the society some of which were subjudice.
On inquiry, it was revealed that the municipal corporation had never given any such directions.