Luckily, the guard, identified as Mitrasen Yadav, 21, escaped without any injury, said Vastrapur police inspector A D Parmar today, after 81-year-old Naresh Shah, who lives at Abhinav Society fired a round from his licensed revolver.
"Shah claims to be a retired major of Indian Army. He lives in bungalow number 1 in that society. Yadav has been hired as a watchman by another resident of that society," the police official, who rushed to the spot after learning about the incident this afternoon, said.
"When Shah saw Yadav near his house, he got angry and asked Yadav that what was he doing near his residence. Before Yadav could understand anything, Shah pulled out his revolver and fired a round at Yadav. Luckily, Yadav escaped unhurt since he ducked and dodged the bullet," the police official said.
Later, the Vastrapur police lodged an FIR against Shah for attempt to murder and started an investigation into the case. No arrest have been made yet, the police official said.