The first bench, comprising Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice M Sathyanarayana, directed Dharmendra Prathap Yadav to appear before it after taking a serious view of him permitting de-sealing of a building on January 4 even as the affidavit by the department concerned on January 8 made no mention of it.
The bench did so after perusing affidavits by various departments and photographs and an affidavit filed on various aspects, including unauthorized constructions.
Petitioner 'Elephant' Rajendran, an advocate had sought appointment of a committee headed by a retired judge to oversee expenditure made in connection with allotment of Rs 290 crore fund for the festival.
Rajendran had alleged that there was rampant unauthorized constructions of buildings in the temple city, which was going on unchecked by officials and had prayed for the Court to appoint monitoring committee.
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The government also submitted that some non-officials were appointed in the committee.
The bench perused an additional government affidavit on action to be taken against offending officers on unauthorised constructions and said it wants a better affidavit to be filed in three weeks, specifying the officers identified, for what period, whether they had responded to the notice issued and what manner of departmental enquiry was there.
On December 10, the bench had come down heavily on officials for allowing rampant unauthorised construction and encroachments in water bodies in Kumbakonam said they would have to face criminal prosecution.
It had directed appointment of priests and devotees as members of committees formed for the conduct of the festival held once every 12 years and expected to draw 35 lakh pilgrims to the town.