Twelve people were killed and 39 injured in attacks by stray bulls in Himachal Pradesh in two years, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur informed state assembly on Tuesday.
In a written reply to a question by Hamirpur BJP MLA Narinder Thakur, the CM said 12 people had been killed and 39 injured in 51 incidents of attack by bulls from June 30, 2017, to July 31 this year.
Thakur said the five persons had been killed in Kangra district, followed by three in Hamirpur and Una each and one in Mandi district during the period.
Fifteen people were hurt in Hamirpur, followed by eleven in Bilaspur, nine in Mandi and four in Kangra district in attack by bulls in the two years, he added.
A total of Rs. 47.59 lakh were distributed as damages among the victims, he added.
Admitting that bull attacks have increased in the above mentioned districts of the state, the CM said a Gau Sewa Commission was being set up in the state. Several cow sanctuaries are being constructed to provide shelter to stray animals, he added.
A total of 146 Gau Sadans are currently being run by private institutions in the state, the CM said.