Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur launched the Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalp Helpline '1100' on Monday for speedy and time-bound redressal of public grievances, an official spokesperson said.
Speaking at the launch of the helpline, the chief minister said the main focus of the present state government from the day it assumed office was to ensure that the issues, problems and grievances of the general public were redressed at the earliest and in a time-bound manner.
The helpline will function six days a week (Monday-Saturday) from 7 am to 10 pm, he added.
Thakur said he would himself regularly monitor progress of the helpline. He said those handling the helpline should be very "courteous and polite to the complainants" so that they could comfortably and easily register their complaints.
The chief minister said the helpline '1100' should be popularised in a way that it becomes a familiar number with each and every household of the state so that people can get maximum benefit from the redressal system.
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