Himachal Pradesh has suffered a loss of Rs 775 crore as landslides due to heavy rains damaged roads, irrigation and public schemes across the state in the last 24 hours, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said today.
All schools in the state will remain shut tomorrow due to the bad weather conditions, he added.
Thakur, while presiding over a meeting with senior officials to review the situation arisen due to heavy rains in the state, said the government today released Rs 96.50 crore for relief, restoration and rehabilitation works.
He directed the officers to deploy adequate men and machinery at landslide-prone areas along national and state highways to regulate traffic. Over 900 roads, including six national highways, have been damaged, he added.
Thakur directed the Public Works Department to press in more machinery to restore all roads affected due to landslides at the earliest.
He also directed the Irrigation and Public Health Department to immediately restore water supply in the affected areas. The chief minister also directed the State Electricity Board to ensure immediate restoration of power supply.
At least 18 people have been killed in different areas of the state due to incessant rains since yesterday evening, an official said.