HPCL's scrip rose 5.74 per cent to end at Rs 728.35 on BSE. Intra-day, it gained 9 per cent to Rs 750.80.
On NSE, shares of the company went up 5.66 per cent to close at Rs 728.60.
Led by the rise in the stock, the company's market capitalisation (m-cap) moved up by Rs 1,339.92 crore to Rs 24,663.92 crore.
Despite a Rs 1,200 crore inventory loss due to a steep fall in global crude prices, Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL) on Friday swung back into black with a Rs 1,042.26 crore profit for the December quarter.
Meanwhile in the broader market, the Sensex zoomed 568 points or 2.47 per cent to end at 23,554.12.